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Our mission

Through scientific research and team actions, our team’s goals are to monitor and protect marine life, to propose conservation actions to restore marine ecosystems, to create and share ocean data, information and knowledge.

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Every action, big or small, takes us one step further to saving our ecosystems. We need you to make a difference. If you want to join our actions or projects – welcome! Send us an e-mail at info@oceanides.org to unite our forces!

Become a


Every action matters small or big. If you wish to sponsor our activities in any way, please contact us



All of our work is made possible and stronger with your support! By making a donation you support our team in finding solutions that have a unique purpose: to promote a sustainable balance between healthy seas and human activity.

Become a


Every action, big or small, takes us one step further to saving our ecosystems. We need you to make a difference. If you want to join our actions or projects – welcome! Send us an e-mail at info@oceanides.org to unite our forces!

Take Part

in Event

If you wish to take part on one of our upcoming events please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Oceanides Projects:

Website Sponsored and powered by Eco Living Greece